Monday, January 13, 2014

Doli Armaanon Ki 13th Jaunary 2014 Written Episode

All gather at the breakfast table, while ishaan explains that he has to leave. he says that he has to leave tomorrow. Samrat says that he cant go so soon, and should leave after 4, 5 days. His father also asks him to stay on. Samrat asks shashi to ask urmi to hurry up for her sweet dish. when she comes, they all compliment qas to how good it looks. samrat asks them to cut it, to find out if its just bful, or tastes good too. urmi is asd while all are shocked at such behaviour. Diwakar however supports urmi. Samrat again taunts urmi saying that its not necessary that the thing that looks bful is good too. Shashi asks urmi to let samrat cut it. She does so. samerat cuts it while all clap. he tastes it. and then asks urmi to cut and give to everyone. urmi is tensed but asks them to wait while she serves everyone. Evereyone begins eating and complimenting. They all bless her to be happy always and reward her. Ishaan asks samrat to stop eating and tell if its good or not. samrat indifferently says that its okay, while uyrmi stand stensed. He also adds that had there been something traditional like kheer,( rice pudding) it would have been better. They all condemn for being so rude, and he just manages to say that the cake was okay too.

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