Bani – Ishq Da Kalma 17th January 2014 Written Episode
Scene 2:
Location: parmeet’s residence
In her room, rajji is very distressed remembering the latest happenings. soham comes in to check on her and asks if she’s okay. She doesnt respond. He gives her water, and she silently complies. he asks her to take care of herself, if not for herself then the baby. Rajji says that what would happen when she is reminded of bani. Soham says that he would try his level best. Rajji says that she hesrelf would have to sope with the grief. she says that she wants to join back her NGO, to distract herself from bani’s memories. soham is concerned, but rajji assures him that she would take proper care of herself and her meds, and try to be happy herself for the baby. syhe asks if she can join. he agrees and says that he would do anything that would keep her happy. soham leaves. Rajji apologise and says that she wants to go to NGO, not for herself, but for bani, as by that excuse, she would get bani in the house, before the final rites.
Bindal talks to soham about rajji’s health, in such a state, when she is grieving for bani. soham says that he would take care of her. After he cancels the phone, he finds balbir and reyman on the door. they come in pretending to be concerned for rajji. Soham curtly says that he has to go to the office to take rajji. Balbir permits. After he leaves, reyman asks what good would this buttering do. balbir says that he’s finding rajji’s nerve spot. He says that they only have to let rajji go on with her rant, so that they can assure the family that rajji is mad, and get her into a mental institution. Soham would get berserk, and then it would be easy to get the papers signed. reyman asks if he is sure. balbir says that he would, as he is more on rano, than on her, and thinks from the heart and not the head, and hence would do what they want him to do.
Scene 5:
Location: In the hospital
Anu talks to the doctor about any recent patients unclaimed by their family or kin. The doctor says that one such case camke up, and after explaining the severity, she takes her to bani’s ward. Outside, she tells anu that she has to go and take some important case, and she can see the patient alone. Before she can enter, anu gets rajji’s call asking about the update. anu says that she has started the work, and would intimate her whenever she gets any news. She cancels the call. Before she can look in bani’s ward, the nurse distracts her to another room, which the doctor said that suits more the profile, that anu is looking for. Anu leaves, oblivious that she is walking away from bani’s ward.
Scene 6:
Location: Parmeet’s residence
Reyman gets food for rajji, and tries to get her to eat it. She says that she would eat later. reyman says that she knows that she’s upset for bani, but she has to accept that bani is dead. rajji takes off her hand from reyman, and looks at her tensed. Reyman goes onto say that bani was weak and hence couldnt survive in the world. rajji is tensed and angry and asks her not to talk of bani. reyman again emphasises that bani is dead, and should think about the living people instead, instigating rajji to react violently. rajji again asks her not to talk. reyman keeps forcing her that bani is dead, and her not eating food, wont get bani back to this world, and her trying to go on a rant wont change bani’s conditon from being dead to alive. rajji jerks off the plate, and reyman intentionally stands in the way to get hurt. She raises a huge hue and cry and tries to get this to everyone’s attention. reyman says that she thought that this is just mental trauma, but she has actually gone mental. rajji gets tensed at this. the screen freezes on her face.
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